Prescrições Odonto

by Agiliza Software Ltda


4.59 usd

▶ Application to consult medicines and conduct of the most common pathologies in the dental clinic.▶ Antibiotics, Anti-Inflammatories, Analgesics, Antifungals, Antivirals, Artificial Saliva and Healing Agents, Anti-Emetics, Myorelaxants, Benzodiazepines (Sedatives), Toothpastes, Rinses (Mouthwashes) and Fluorides most used in everyday life.▶ ICD-10 of Dentistry and Complete Stomatology.There are 21 prescriptions that are currently in this version:Periodontal AbscessAcute Periapical AbscessalveolitisOral CandidiasisImpacted TeethPrimary Herpetic GingivostomatitishemorrhagesRecurrent Herpes Simplexpediatric dentistrypericoronitisAntibiotic ProphylaxisAsthmatic Patientsheart patientsCoagulopathic patientsDiabetic Patientsepileptic patientsPregnant and lactating patientsHepatopathic patientsnephropathic patientsElderly PatientsRecurrent Aphthous Ulcerations